I keep coming back! 😉
September 9, 2018
I keep coming back
It’s been over a year when I took this pic, in Berlin. Now many cities, countries, and continents later I’m back in Berlin.
Berlin has never really interested me as my go-to city was always London since I got most of my jobs there.
Staying in…
Colombian Dream Hostel
November 30, 2017
Calle 11 was recommended to me by a German fellow who met his girlfriend in Colombia two years ago. You will really need the pool once you arrive at the hostel since Santa Marta is steamy hot. I met the manager of the hostel somehow at the airport sharing a…
Workaway - The Easiest Way to Travel
November 8, 2017
If somebody asks me why I went to Colombia, then I would probably say, it was a feeling, one that I definitely could not resist ;)
You always hear bad and good things about a country but never really know if that perception is true. In my experience, it’s not…
October 21, 2017
JUST DO IT has basically become a mantra for life. Whenever I had a big decision to make it was best to just do it rather than think about it. After coming back from my little round trip in Europe, the idea of going to Colombia still did not leave…
Prague - London - Paris
August 27, 2017
This summer I planned a city trip though Europe. I always wanted to explore east Europe and Prague seemed to be a good start for that. I started to look for models through agencies. First, I only planned to stay there for a couple of days but I started to…
Copyright © Benedict Kraus 2018